Constitution & Bylaws

SkillsUSA Massachusetts Constitution High School Division

Article I:


Section 1: The official name of this organization shall be the SkillsUSA Massachusetts. High School Division shall be referred to as the SkillsUSA Massachusetts Inc., High School Division.

Article II:


Section 1: The purposes of this organization are:

  • To unite in a common bond all students enrolled in trade, industrial, technical and health education.

  • To provide leadership for the local chapters.

  • To provide a clearinghouse for information and activities.

  • To provide recognition and prestige through an association of local chapters.

  • To develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, vocational, civic, recreational, and social activities.

  • To foster a deep respect for the dignity of work.

  • To assist students in establishing realistic vocational goals.

  • To help students attain a purposeful life.

  • To create enthusiasm for learning.

  • To promote high standards in trade ethics, workmanship, scholarship, and safety.

  • To develop the ability of students to plan together, organize and carry out worthy activities and projects through the use of the democratic process.

  • To foster a wholesome understanding of the functions of labor and management organizations and a recognition of their mutual interdependence.

  • To create among students, faculty members, patrons of the school, and persons in business and labor a sincere interest in and esteem for trade, industrial, technical, and health education.

  • To develop patriotism through a knowledge of our nation’s heritage and the practice of democracy.

Article III:


Section 1: SkillsUSA Massachusetts Inc., High School Division, is an association comprised of local chapters within the state of Massachusetts operating in accordance with a charter granted by National SkillsUSA.

Section 2: The administration of SkillsUSA Massachusetts Inc., High School Division, shall be vested in the SkillsUSA Massachusetts Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consisting of 15 members and 3 ex-officio members who shall be as follows shall administer the affairs of this organization:

  • Four members representing the four SkillsUSA standing committees, serving two year terms not to exceed five consecutive terms (10 years)

  • Nine members, elected at-large by the Board of Directors serving five year terms not to exceed two consecutive terms (10 years)

  • A Representative of the State Executive Council, serving a one year term not to exceed one term (1 year)

  • A Representative of the Massachusetts Assn. of Voc. Administrators, serving two year terms not to exceed five consecutive terms (10 years)

  • A Representative of the Massachusetts Vocational Association shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Directors

  • The Advisor of the SkillsUSA Massachusetts Alumni Association shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Directors

  • The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio voting member of the Board of Directors

  • The Corporate member(s) of SkillsUSA Massachusetts Incorporated shall be Board member(s) or designee of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education serving as required by the National By-Laws of SkillsUSA, Inc.

Section 3: A chapter charter shell be issued to a local school by the Board of Directors of SkillsUSA Massachusetts, High School Division.

Section 4: A chapter is composed of at least two (2) organized sections. An organized section is defined as follows:

  • Ten or more members in a single trade, industrial, technical, or health occupation class.

  • Having an Advisor

  • Having an elected set of officers.

  • Having adopted a constitution.

  • Having a planned program of work.

Section 5: The state shall be divided into as many districts as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, each having proper representation. The representation, functions, and boundaries of these districts shall be described in the bylaws.

Article IV:


Section 1: Each local Chapter shall be open for membership to all trade, industrial, technical, health occupations and career pathway students regardless of race, creed, or color, national origin or sexual orientation.

Section 2: All members of SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc., High School Division, shall be members of National SkillsUSA to qualify for a charter.

Section 3: SkillsUSA Massachusetts Inc., High School Division shall recognize members through a local chapter only.

Section 4: Classes of membership, which will be recognized by SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. are:

a. Active Membership - Full time preparatory students enrolled in high school vocational courses in trade, industrial, technical, and health occupations education and meeting the requirements of the state plan for career & technical education.

b. Professional Membership - Persons associated with or participating in the professional development of SkillsUSA as approved by SkillsUSA Massachusetts. Such members shall include advisors, teachers, educators, and supervisors. Professional members will be ineligible to serve as a national voting delegate, or hold national office, or otherwise represent SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. in a student capacity.

c. Honorary Life Membership - Individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of SkillsUSA and vocational trade, industrial, technical, and health occupation education or school-to-work programs whose membership shall not require payment of state dues. The state association shall purchase National SkillsUSA services for state honorary members.

d. Alumni Membership - Former active members who are no longer enrolled in a career and technical education program. Alumni may participate in state-wide activities, programs and conferences as part of the approved alumni association for Massachusetts. They may also participate at the national level through the state alumni association.

Section 5: A membership year shall be from September 1st through August 31st, inclusive.

Article V:

Voting Delegates

Section 1: The SkillsUSA member shall exercise his/her franchise through voting delegates at district, state, and national meetings.

Section 2: Each chapter shall select delegates who shall be considered voting delegates at the district, and/or State Leadership Conference House of Delegate Business Meeting(s) and serve as delegates at any other official state business meetings. The number of voting delegates shall be determined as established in the bylaws.

Section 3: The number of voting delegates to the National Conference shall be determined by the National Organization through the directives of the National Constitution. The SkillsUSA Massachusetts Voting Delegate Team will be comprised of the current State Executive Council, the State Executive Council elects, and selected SkillsUSA Massachusetts national voting delegates.

Article VI


Section 1: A State Leadership Conference House of Delegates Business Meeting shall be held each year, and this shall be the official annual meeting of SkillsUSA Massachusetts High School Division.

Section 2: The State Executive Council shall hold two (2) regular meetings in advance of the State Leadership Conference. They shall be empowered to call special meetings with the approval of the Executive Director.

Section 3: In all meetings, “Robert’s Rule of Order, Newly Revised” shall serve as standard procedure.

Section 4: The Massachusetts Association of SkillsUSA shall require a gathering of 95% of all registered voting delegates to qualify as a quorum at the annual meeting of the high school division. No official business shall be conducted if a quorum is not present.

Article VII:


Section 1: SkillsUSA Massachusetts shall have a maximum of ten (10) elected state officers, all of which must be elected by a majority vote of the House of Delegates. The elected officers will, at the time specified in the bylaws, elect the following officer positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Parliamentarian, Historian and District Vice President(s). All state officers are an equal part of the State Executive Council and each officer carries the same rights, privileges and responsibilities.

Section 2: Officers shall serve a term of one membership year, September 1st–August 31st.

Section 3: It shall be the duty and function of the executive council to conduct business pertaining to the students they serve.

a. Advise the Board of Directors concerning the execution of the decisions of the House of Delegates.

b. Preside over all state meetings and conferences.

c. Call meetings and conferences, subject to the approval of the Executive Director and Board of Directors.

d. Propose and review proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws, and recommend legislation to the House of Delegates.

e. Initiate and coordinate the state Program of Work.

Section 4: Should the presidency be vacated, the Vice President shall succeed the President and the Vice President filled by appointment by the new President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Vacancies in any other of the offices shall be filled by appointment of the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Article VIII:


Section 1: Eligibility for holding a state office shall be:

a. Active Membership status

b. Shall have at least one full school year remaining in his/her preparatory vocational program.

c. Has the support of his/her local chapter.

d. All other eligibility requirements as specified in the Guidelines for State Officers

Section 2: All candidates for state office must file their candidacy with the state SkillsUSA office prior to the last day of January.

Section 3: Each chapter is eligible to provide a State President for a maximum of two (2) consecutive years. No chapter is eligible to provide more than three candidates for state office.

Section 4: All incumbent state officers shall refrain from participating in any SkillsUSA Championships competitive event at the local, district or state level during his/her tenure of office.

Section 5: All candidates for State SkillsUSA office and State Officers must have a “C” average or GPA of 2.0 in each class, academic or trade, for each semester of the current school year. The candidate must also be eligible for promotion to the next grade level at the end of the school year and the officer must be eligible for promotion to the next grade level or graduation at the end of the school year. Failure to meet the required standards, as stated above, will be handled using the process as described in the High School Constitution Bylaws.

Article IX:


Section 1: Dues or any contribution shall be paid to SkillsUSA Massachusetts, Inc. through the Treasurer. The Treasurer’s duties shall be:

a. To receive all dues from local chapters of the State Association through the National Office.

b. To receive all contributions from donating individuals, business organizations, or foundations.

c. To see the payment of all bills incurred by the State Association.

d. To keep the financial records of the State Association.

e. To submit a financial report of the condition of the State Association at regular intervals to the Board of Directors.

f. To have a recognized bookkeeping system set up and have the accounts kept in order, and once a year, an audit shall be made by the person qualified to perform this service.

g. To see that all monies of the State Association shall be deposited in a bank under an account known as SkillsUSA Massachusetts.

Article X:

Emblem and Colors

Section 1: The emblem and colors of SkillsUSA Massachusetts, High School Division shall be the same as those adopted by National SkillsUSA.

Article XI:


Section 1: The Constitution may be amended as follows:

a. All proposed amendments to this constitution must be submitted in writing to the State Executive Council.

b. If the State Executive Council passes the proposed amendment, or an amended form of the proposed amendment by a majority vote, it shall be submitted to the House of Delegates for debate and vote at the next State Leadership Conference.

c. Immediately upon the vote of the House of Delegates, the amendment shall be effective.

Section 2: All proposed amendments may also be voted on by mail.

Article XII:

Rules, Regulations and Bylaws

Section 1: Such rules, regulations, and bylaws as are deemed necessary for the proper conduct of this organization shall be adopted.

Section 2: No rules, regulations, or bylaws shall be adopted which are contrary to this Constitution.

Section 3: All standing committees will be specified in subsection 8.0 of our bylaws.

SkillsUSA Massachusetts By-Laws

Bylaws to the SkillsUSA Massachusetts constitution shall be adopted by a majority vote of the House of Delegates. Section 2.0 House of Delegates composition gives representation to organized sections and chapters (see State Constitution, Article 3, Sections 3.3 and 3.4 for information on the definition of an organized section and/or chapter.)

Subsection 1: Definition of Delegate or Voting Delegate

Any active high school member who is designated to provide representation of an organized section and/or chapter to district House of Delegates and/or state House of Delegates.

Subsection 2: Formula for representation to the district House of Delegates or state House of Delegates

Two delegates or voting delegates for the first twenty-five members, one additional delegate for each additional twenty-five members or major fraction thereof.

Subsection 3: Franchise of each delegate

Each delegate or voting delegate is entitled to one (1) vote and must be present during the delegate assembly meetings to register it. Each Chapter is entitled to the same number of alternates to the delegates. When casting ballots in the state officer elections, each delegate will be required to vote for a minimum number of seven (7) candidates, if there are seven candidates on the ballot, maximum of eight. If a ballot is registered with less than seven candidates selected, the vote of that delegate will not be counted. If there are less than seven candidates or less on the ballot, the delegate will be allowed to vote for as many as desired.

Subsection 4: Eligibility for exercising franchise

To be considered, a list of delegates or voting delegates and their alternates must be submitted with the remainder of the district or state conference registration information by the deadline established by the state SkillsUSA association for the current year.

Subsection 5: Districts

  1. The state of Massachusetts shall be divided into six (6) districts by the SkillsUSA Board of Directors for the purpose of communicating, providing equal representation in skill and leadership events at the state SkillsUSA Championships, administration of the district skill and leadership events and organization. The districts shall be named as follows: District I, District II, District III, District IV, District V, & District VI

  2. District Functions shall be defined as follows To plan, organize and conduct district SkillsUSA meetings, conduct district initiatives for new/potential members and assist with the administration of the district skill and leadership events.

Subsection 6: Board of Directors Functions

Operating policies shall be adopted as determined by the Board of Directors, incorporating recommendations from the Four Foundation Committees and the State Executive Council, and inserted in the High School Constitution for informational purposes.

Subsection 7: State Officer & State Officer Candidate Minimum Standards Assurance Plan

Failure of a state SkillsUSA officer to meet the grade of a “C” average or GPA of 2.0 in each class, academic or trade will result in the following action being taken:

A grade of “D” in any class, academic or trade, during a marking period, will place the officer in a probationary status with the state SkillsUSA association, during which time, the state officer will be required to develop a remediation plan, along with their instructor, designed to bring the grade in line with the required standard by the next marking period. The officer will be responsible for submitting a summary of the plan to the state SkillsUSA office for review and file.

If the officer is successful in meeting the required standard at the next marking period, the probationary status will be lifted. 

If the state SkillsUSA officer is unsuccessful in meeting the required standard at the next marking period, the probationary status will continue and strengthen to include a suspension of all outside responsibilities and travel for the state SkillsUSA association. However, the officer will still be required to fulfill the responsibilities for reporting and written assignments required by the state SkillsUSA association.

The officer will be required to continue and strengthen the remediation plan through consultation with the instructor, SkillsUSA Chapter Advisor and a parent/guardian. The officer will be required to submit a revised copy of the remediation plan, signed by the instructor, Advisor and a parent/ guardian to the state SkillsUSA office for review and file. If the state SkillsUSA officer is successful in meeting the required standard at the next marking period, the probationary status will be lifted. If the state SkillsUSA officer is unsuccessful in meeting the required standard at the next marking period, it will be recommended to the SkillsUSA Massachusetts Board of Directors that the officer be removed from the position of state SkillsUSA officer.

A grade of an “F” in any class, academic or trade, during a marking period, will place the officer in a probationary status with the state SkillsUSA association that includes a suspension of all outside responsibilities and travel for the state SkillsUSA association. However, the officer will still be required to fulfill the responsibilities for reporting and written assignments required by the state SkillsUSA association.

The officer will be required to develop a remediation plan through consultation with the instructor, SkillsUSA Chapter Advisor and a parent/guardian. The officer will be required to submit a revised copy of the remediation plan, signed by the instructor, SkillsUSA Chapter Advisor and a parent/guardian to the state SkillsUSA office for review and File.

If the state SkillsUSA officer is successful in meeting the required standard at the next marking period, the probation 

period, it will be recommended to the Massachusetts SkillsUSA Board of Directors that the officer be removed from the position of state SkillsUSA officer.

Note: This process, as established by SkillsUSA Massachusetts is designed to be the minimum standard and required action. It is not to take precedence over an established school policy of eligibility for participation in student activities.

Subsection 8: Committees

A. Standing Committee

Committee members shall be appointed by the chair for an indefinite period.

B. Select or Special Committees

Committee members shall be appointed by the State Executive Council for a special purpose.       

C. State Student Advisory Committee

Since SkillsUSA is a student run organization, SkillsUSA Massachusetts wishes members to be more involved in SkillsUSA activities. By establishing the State Student Advisory Committee, members will be able to work in a diverse environment where:

“Members are encouraged to be involved in the planning of the State Leadership and Skills Conference, and are able to voice concerns. Members will be asked to work with the State Executive Council.”

The goal of the State Student Advisory Committee shall be to better the State Leadership & Skills Conference. Members who apply to be on the Committee should have a grade point average of a “C” or better in each class academic or trade. Committee members are expected to attend two meetings prior to the State Leadership and Skills Conference. Members should be able to attend both meetings and should be present for all the discussions. All Committee members are expected to participate to the best of their ability.

 Subsection 9: National Officer Candidates

 All SkillsUSA members wanting to run for a national office must abide by the National Officer Candidate Guidelines, which are as follows:

  • Must be an active member of SkillsUSA

  • Have at least one full year remaining in a vocational program (This must be verified by a letter from the school.)

  • Have served as a State Officer for at least one full term (year) and be able to serve as a member of the State Executive Council as a National Officer

  • Have endorsement from the State SkillsUSA Director

  • Receive permission from the Massachusetts Board of Directors

  • Have a grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

  • Be able to represent National SkillsUSA through personal appearances as listed in the National Officer Candidate Guide as updated for the current year.

  • Complete the Career Essentials advanced program and receive the certification

  • Submit required National SkillsUSA paperwork prior to June 1st

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