State Executive Council
Meet our current student representatives.

Kallie Allen
National High School President
Blackstone Valley Technical HS -
Thomas Marshall
State President
Greater Lowell Technical HS -
Akram Mchiti
State Vice President
Essex North Shore Agriculture & Technical HS -
Natalie DeLano
State Secretary
Whittier RTHS -
Victoria Graumann
State Treasurer
Joseph P. Keefe Technical HS -
Logan Rebello
State Parliamentarian
Taunton HS -
Lauren McPherson
State Reporter
Southeastern RTHS -
Jada Sanchez
State Historian
Greater New Bedford RTHS -
Damian Cook
Eastern Region Vice President
Cape Cod Technical HS -
Leah Schneyer-VanZile
Western Region Vice President
Minuteman Technical HS
State Executive
Council Candidacy
The success of the SkillsUSA Massachusetts Program of Work for any SkillsUSA year depends largely upon the strength of its student officers. Strong student officers begin with high quality candidates and the local selection process is key in assuring the quality of the candidates. Holding an office position means agreeing to take on certain responsibilities and representing SkillsUSA Massachusetts at the state level.
Characteristics of a Successful State Officer
Benefits and Opportunities
Bring positive recognition to yourself, school, community and state
Develop a spirit of enthusiasm, pride in yourself and vocational technical education
Develop the ability to plan, organize and execute a full schedule of activities
Develop self-confidence and poise
Opportunities to come in close contact with leaders in business and industry while working together for the benefit of vocational technical education
Opportunities to develop your leadership potential
Opportunities to travel
Work as part of a team of students who are charged with the responsibility of the SkillsUSA Program of Work
Carry out the duties of elected office
Develop workshops and presentations to be given at conferences and state functions
Represent more than 8,500 SkillsUSA Massachusetts members statewide
Required Attendance for State Officers
State Executive Council Meetings (Monthly)
State Officer Training (Summer: one week, all expenses paid)
Fall State Leadership Conference for Workplace Readiness (November: all expenses paid)
District and State Leadership & Skills Conference(s) (Winter and Spring: all expenses paid)
National Leadership & Skills Conference (June: Expenses paid for state officers, not paid for officer elects)
Washington Leadership Training Institute (Late Summer: all expenses paid if funds are available)
Election Process
There will be testing and an interview for all prospective candidates at the District Conference. Candidates should prepare for the test by studying the SkillsUSA Handbook. Know who is who, the organizational structure and all other important information, as described in Levels 1 and 2 of the SkillsUSA Professional Development Program. In addition, all candidates must submit four (4) letters of recommendation with their application (See Form SOC4). All candidates chosen at Districts will then proceed to the State Leadership & Skills Conference.
At the State Conference, those chosen will be expected to present a 2 minute prepared speech discussing why they want to become a State Officer, answer questions posted by the House of Delegates, campaign, as well as answer a problematic question and give a rebuttal.
Once all questioning has been completed, a general election will be held to designate the new State Officers. A slate of officers will be elected and they will not have official titles at this time.
Special Notice Regarding Transportation
All candidates for State SkillsUSA office as well as advisors, administrators and especially parents / guardians must be aware that State SkillsUSA officers participate in numerous statewide activities which require travel of an hour or more from home. The officer team is encouraged to work together to car-pool to / from events, however often times officers will need assistance from parents / guardians or advisors to get to/from events and activities. All parties concerned must be aware of this aspect of service and be willing to assist the student officer with transportation.
Officer Training Conference
All new state officers must attend the mandatory State Officer Training Conference (OTC). At the end of the week during OTC the officers will choose their titles by means of a secret ballot.
Candidate Application Deadlines
Please remember, the deadline date for this information to be in the State Office is the same as the deadline for District Conference paperwork. Failure to meet this deadline will eliminate any candidate. All candidates for state SkillsUSA office must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 or a “C” average in every class, academic and trade to be eligible to run for office. Please refer to the High School Division Constitution & Bylaws for further information regarding eligibility.