National Leadership &
Skills Conference
The National Leadership & Skills Conference features the SkillsUSA Championships, the national-level competition for public high school and college/postsecondary technical students enrolled in career and technical education programs. SkillsUSA organizes this event, and it is considered the single greatest day of industry volunteerism in America every year at an estimated cost of more than $35 million. Each SkillsUSA Championships contestant is a state-level gold medalist.
Begun in 1967, the SkillsUSA Championships has grown from 54 competitors in three contests to more than 5,600 competitors in 100 hands-on skill and leadership contests this year. SkillsUSA adds contests to the SkillsUSA Championships to meet the demands of new and expanding occupations. SkillsUSA affiliated instructional programs represent 130 different occupational areas.
Dates/Times and Locations
SkillsUSA returns to Atlanta, Georgia, June 24–29, 2024 for the 60th annual National Leadership and Skills Conference. A showcase of career and technical education students, the SkillsUSA Championships will be held on Wednesday & Thursday, June 26 & 27 at the Georgia World Congress Center. The Championships are accessible to the public through a purchased pass program.
Key Statistics
Expected contestants: over 6000
Total contests: 108
Contest judges: 1,500 from business and labor
Contest technical committee members: 648
Conference management team and national education team members: 436
Contest area covered: 787,482 square ft. (equivalent to the area of more than 16 football fields)
Awards to be presented: 924 medals will be awarded and 308 recognition awards will be given
Industry prizes support students’ employment or further education
SkillsUSA University seminars: 75
SkillsUSA University is an opportunity for students and educators to attend educational sessions scheduled throughout the SkillsUSA national conference. Sessions may include professional development, legislative updates, occupational and technical career trends and program overviews.
Total in-kind industry and education contributions (donated time, equipment and material): More than $35 million
Total volunteer hours by technical committee members, courtesy corps, national education team, judges and alumni during the week: approximately 58,840 hours
Companies participating in the Career Fair: 20+
The Championships requires a massive amount of equipment and materials, including more than 1,000 computers, 50 trucks, 9,500 bricks and 1,500 blocks, 60 stoves, and complete laboratories for machining, welding, and auto repair and painting. The cost of electricity usage for this week in 2017 totaled over $135,000 (combined electric bill and in-kind services). More than 7,000 lunches are served to competitors and judges.
Technical Standards
Competitors at the national level should consult the current version of the technical standards available to advisors through professional membership. To become a professional member click JOIN here.

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