Officer Training 2024-2025

SkillsUSA Massachusetts Officer Training, a requirement for newly elected state and national officers, was an enriching and transformative experience that exceeded all expectations. Over the course of the week, we went through many workshops focusing on leadership, facilitation, time management, and presentation skills, allowing us to discover our individual strengths and how they complement other members of the team. The hands-on activities and team-building exercises fostered a sense of camaraderie, turning us from a group of individuals into a cohesive unit and, ultimately, a family. As we engaged in planning our program of work and participated in memorable experiences, such as a Boston Harbor sailing experience, aboard an 80’-2 masted schooner, a trolly tour of Boston, and a visit to Bain Capital a partner company of SkillsUSA Massachusetts, we forged lasting connections through shared laughter and moments of growth. We emerged from this intensive training equipped and eager to represent SkillsUSA Massachusetts with confidence and enthusiasm, ready to collaborate and support our members for a truly aMAzing year ahead!

Our Individual Reflections:

Natalie- Officer training was a fun week of learning and growing together. The training we did and experiences we were able to complete as a team really helped us to get to know each other, and how each of us will help lead SkillsUSA Massachusetts into another successful year!

Akram- SkillsUSA MA’s State Officer Training is an unreplaceable experience. As a team, we realized each other's strengths, and how they can be taken advantage of to put our best foot forward for our members. Further, we engaged in workshops about facilitation, time management, and producing engaging presentations. Learning about our team, and ourselves as leaders was nothing short of aMAzing!

Victoria- With all the presentations, projects, and team building exercises at officer training, we got to learn what it really felt like to work as a unit, and how to lean on the strengths of others that fill in the gaps of our weaknesses. I think this year will be filled with productivity, and steady advancement for the SkillsUSA Massachusetts organization. After such a successful training, I am confident that our officer team will perform to the best of our abilities, collaborating with each other for the betterment of our members!

Damian- I truly expected the week to be nothing short of hard work. Having come in to a group of individuals all with different strong unique traits and characteristics I was not quite sure where my strengths would be of use to the team but over the week I was able to learn how I may be of use to the team and how we can all help each other. Everyone truly has amazing qualities, and this year will be nothing short but of aMAzing!

Leah- My experience at Officer Training was nothing like I expected. It was a lot of hard work, yes, but all that work was for a greater purpose: getting to know ourselves, each other, and our role as state officers. Between presentations, personality tests, and lessons on facilitating and encouraging members to reach their full potential. I feel equipped to represent the members of SkillsUSA Massachusetts to the best of my ability, and I knew where I fit in a group of very similar, but very different people.

Lauren- State officer training was nothing I had anticipated. I knew going into the week it was going to be early mornings and late nights but everything we did all had a purpose. From finding out our strengths in leadership to finding how they all fit with our other officers' leadership strengths. To learn how to properly facilitate workshops, learning how to create and make engaging presentations, and how we can properly represent the members of SkillsUSA Massachusetts. Along with training we had time for team building which helped us become closer. Throughout the week we got better as a team and I can confidently say that we are ready and equipped to have another truly aMazing year.

Jada- When we first arrived at state officer training, we were just a group of individuals, each bringing our own unique strengths and qualities. Our days were filled with planning our program of work, learning how to lead effectively, and discovering more about ourselves and each other. But as time passed, something special happened—between the sailing trip, our Boston tour, and all the unplanned moments, like the laughs we shared and the jokes that formed, we bonded in ways we never expected. By the end, we weren’t just a team, we had become a family, fully prepared to serve, and support our members throughout this school year!

Logan- The SkillsUSA Massachusetts State Officer training was quite different from what I had expected. Though the days were long, they were filled with in-depth learning about the responsibilities of an officer. I particularly enjoyed bonding with my team during meals and working together on presentations, which significantly strengthened our teamwork. Overall, the experience was intense but incredibly rewarding, leaving me excited for the year to come.

Kallie- Although I was only there for a short period of time, that is all I needed to see the strength and unity of our team. Throughout our day together in Boston, we made memories that brought us closer together, and memories that we will never forget.

Tommy- State officer training was a week composed of self-exploration, team collaboration, and a recognition of the power teamwork brings to the success of the organization. Whether we delved into analyzing our personality tests, discussed how we can lean on each other’s strengths and weaknesses, or reflected on our Boston day to learn how we can embody the characteristics of some of the greatest leaders in history, every moment served a purpose. Throughout the entire training, we consistently took the time to revise and reflect on how we can grow into the best leaders we can possibly be to serve the organization.


Our Growth & Engagement